
The department of electrical engineering has been playing a vital role in producing scientists and technologists of highest caliber ever since it was established in the year 1961. The department runs three under graduate programmes and 9 post-graduate programmes to cater to the ever challenging needs of technical excellence in all areas of electrical engineering such as Integrated electronics and circuits, Tele-communications, Computer technology, Control & Automation, Power systems & Power electronics.

In addition to the strong undergraduate programs, the department has been playing a pioneering role in producing world class postgraduates and research scholars. The infrastructure and lab facilities are upgraded from time to time and provide adequate opportunities for students and researchers to learn and innovate. The department has distinguished faculty, all holding Ph.D. degrees from renowned institutes in India and abroad. There are two Fellows of IEEE in the department and many other faculty members are Fellows of several national and international scientific bodies. The faculty of the department has been constantly carrying out research on many cutting edge technologies and regularly publishes in IEEE and other top international journals. The department also undertakes many research projects sponsored by both the government and the industry.

*        Training students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
*        Research and Development in all branches of Electrical Engineering.
*        Providing continuing education programmes for working professionals.
The Department takes part in a range of activities. The Department undertakes consultancy and other forms of collaboration with various organizations. A number of sponsored research projects have been completed and others are ongoing as part of the Department's continuing industry-oriented project efforts. 
The Department organizes workshops, seminars and symposia in various specialized fields with participants from all over the country, and runs summer/winter schools for the benefit of teachers of other engineering colleges and professional engineers.
The Department has over 20 well equipped laboratories and operates its own library, offering facilities to work in all areas of Electrical Engineering.
The Department is well equipped with a number of PCs and workstations hosting several software packages, and linked through a local area network. Internet services are available to all students and faculty.
A Curriculum Development Cell functioning within the department is active in developing programmes and teaching-aids for Electrical Engineering education in the country.
Block II, IIT Delhi Main Rd, IIT Campus, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016